What to Write in Acknowledgement of Dissertation


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Year after year students grapple with the issue of writing acknowledgement of a dissertation. So, how do you know what to write in acknowledgement of dissertation? The acknowledgements section of a dissertation provides an opportunity for the writer to express gratitude and appreciation towards individuals and organizations who have contributed to the completion of their research. It serves as a heartfelt acknowledgment of the support, guidance, and assistance received throughout the dissertation journey. Understanding the purpose and importance of acknowledgements is crucial in recognizing the collaborative nature of academic work and in acknowledging the invaluable contributions of those who have played a role in the successful completion of the research.


In this article, we will explore what to write in acknowledgement of dissertation. Thus, how to write an effective acknowledgement section, discuss the significance of acknowledging contributions, and provide insights into recognizing both academic/professional and personal/emotional supporters. Additionally, we will touch upon etiquette and considerations to keep in mind while crafting acknowledgements in a dissertation.

  1. Introduction to Acknowledgements in a Dissertation

1.1 Understanding the Purpose of the Acknowledgement Section

When it comes to writing a dissertation, there are many people who contribute to its realization. The acknowledgement section gives you the opportunity to express your gratitude and appreciation to those who have played a significant role in your academic journey. It’s like giving a shout-out to your cheerleaders, mentors, and support system.

1.2 Significance of Acknowledging Contributions

Acknowledging the contributions of others in your dissertation serves multiple purposes. Firstly, it recognizes the help and support you received throughout the research process. Secondly, it highlights the collaborative nature of academia and research. Finally, it shows that you are not an island of knowledge, but rather part of a community that thrives on mutual respect and support.

  1. Importance of Acknowledging Contributions in a Dissertation


2.1 Acknowledging the Efforts of Others

Writing a dissertation is like climbing a mountain: it takes a village. From your supervisors who guided you through the maze of academic research, to your friends and family who provided emotional support during those moments of self-doubt, everyone played a part in your success. Acknowledging their efforts is a way of saying, “Hey, I couldn’t have done it without you!”

2.2 Highlighting the Collaborative Nature of the Research

Research is rarely a solitary endeavor. The acknowledgement section allows you to shine a light on the collaborative efforts that went into your dissertation. Whether it was brainstorming sessions with your peers or insightful discussions with experts in your field, acknowledging their contributions shows that you value the collective wisdom and knowledge-sharing that underpins academic growth.

  1. Guidelines to Knowing What to Write in Acknowledgement of Dissertation


3.1 Considering the Tone and Style of the Acknowledgements

While the acknowledgement section is a formal part of your dissertation, it doesn’t mean you have to be overly serious or dull. Feel free to inject a bit of your personality and gratitude into your writing. You can use a conversational tone and even throw in some humor to make it more engaging. Just remember to strike a balance between being appreciative and maintaining professionalism.

3.2 Structuring the Acknowledgement Section

The structure of the acknowledgement section is flexible, but it’s usually placed after the abstract and before the table of contents. Begin by expressing your gratitude to the key individuals or groups who contributed significantly to your research. Then, you can extend your appreciation to others who provided support in various ways. Consider using bullet points or paragraphs to organize your acknowledgements for clarity.

3.3 Word Limit and Placement of the Acknowledgements

While there’s no strict word limit for the acknowledgement section, it’s common to keep it concise and focused. Remember, brevity is the soul of wit! Aim for around one to two pages, depending on the guidelines provided by your institution. As for placement, it’s typically positioned before the formal introduction of your dissertation.

  1. Recognizing Academic and Professional Support in Acknowledgements


4.1 Mentors, Advisors, and Supervisors

Your mentors, advisors, and supervisors are like the Jedi masters of your academic journey. They guided you with their expertise, provided valuable feedback on your work, and pushed you to become the best researcher you could be. Make sure to acknowledge their wisdom and guidance in your dissertation. A lightsaber salute is optional but appreciated.

4.2 Peers and Colleagues

Your peers and colleagues are like your academic sidekicks. They may not have had an official role in your research, but they were there to bounce ideas off, share resources, and commiserate during those late-night writing sessions. Give them a shout-out in your acknowledgement section for being your intellectual companions and fellow warriors in the battle of thesis writing.

4.3 Professional Experts and Consultants

Sometimes, your research may have required the expertise of professionals outside your immediate circle. Whether it was a statistical consultant, a language editor, or a subject matter expert who generously shared their knowledge, it’s important to recognize their valuable contributions. Their expertise elevated the quality of your work, and acknowledging their involvement demonstrates your commitment to academic integrity.

Remember, the acknowledgement section is your chance to express your gratitude and appreciation to those who have made your academic journey smoother. So, put on your gratitude cap, get creative with your words, and give credit where credit is due!



  1. Expressing Gratitude to Personal and Emotional Supporters

5.1 Family and Friends

When it comes to completing your dissertation, there’s no denying the emotional rollercoaster it can be. That’s why it’s important to acknowledge the unwavering support and understanding of your family and friends. Whether it was their encouraging words, late-night pep talks, or simply being there to listen to your frustrations, their presence was invaluable throughout this journey.

5.2 Spouse or Partner

A special shoutout goes to that one person who has been your rock throughout the entire dissertation process—your spouse or partner. From the countless cups of coffee they brewed to keep you going, to the patience they exhibited during your late-night writing sessions, their unwavering support deserves a heartfelt acknowledgment in your dissertation.

5.3 Personal Supporters and Mentors

In addition to your close circle, there might be a few individuals who played a significant role in your academic and personal growth. Whether it was a mentor who guided you through the research process or a personal supporter who offered words of encouragement when you needed them most, their impact should not go unnoticed. Acknowledge their guidance and support in your dissertation to show your gratitude.

  1. Acknowledging Funding and Institutional Support in a Dissertation

6.1 Funding Agencies and Grants

Researching and writing a dissertation often requires financial support, and it’s essential to recognize the funding agencies and grants that made your work possible. Whether it was a government grant, scholarship, or fellowship, include a dedicated acknowledgment to express your gratitude for their contribution to your academic pursuits.

6.2 Academic Institutions and Departments

Your academic journey wouldn’t have been possible without the support and resources provided by your institution and department. From access to libraries and research facilities to guidance from professors and administrators, their contributions were integral to your success. Be sure to acknowledge their support and express your appreciation in your dissertation.

6.3 Research Centers or Laboratories

If your research involved working in a specific laboratory or research center, don’t forget to acknowledge the facilities and staff who provided you with the necessary resources and guidance. Research centers and laboratories play a vital role in advancing academic knowledge, and recognizing their contribution demonstrates your appreciation for their assistance.

  1. Etiquette and Considerations for Acknowledgements in a Dissertation


7.1 Ensuring Accuracy and Correct Attribution

While expressing gratitude, it is crucial to ensure that you accurately acknowledge everyone’s contributions. Double-check names, titles, and affiliations to avoid any mistakes or unintentional omissions. Getting the details right shows your respect and appreciation for each individual’s role in your dissertation.

7.2 Respecting Privacy and Confidentiality

Respect privacy and confidentiality when acknowledging individuals in your dissertation. While it’s great to express gratitude, not everyone may wish to have their name mentioned publicly. Always consider the preferences and comfort levels of the people you want to acknowledge, and if in doubt, seek their approval before including their names.

7.3 Following Institutional or Departmental Guidelines

Different institutions and departments may have specific guidelines or requirements regarding acknowledgments in a dissertation. It’s essential to familiarize yourself with any policies or recommendations and adhere to them while crafting your acknowledgments. This ensures that your acknowledgments meet the necessary guidelines without any issues.

  1. Final Thoughts on Writing Acknowledgements for a Dissertation

Writing acknowledgments for your dissertation is not only a chance to express gratitude but also an opportunity to reflect on the people who have played a significant role in your academic journey. Remember to keep it concise, sincere, and respectful. Your acknowledgments will serve as a lasting tribute to those who have supported you, and it’s a small gesture that goes a long way in showing your appreciation. As you conclude your dissertation, take a moment to reflect on the incredible collaborative effort that brought you to this point.



In conclusion, the acknowledgement section of a dissertation is a meaningful way to express gratitude and appreciation towards individuals and organizations who have supported and contributed to the research endeavor. By following the guidelines for writing an effective acknowledgement section and considering the importance of recognizing both academic/professional and personal/emotional supporters, one can create a heartfelt and genuine acknowledgement. It is essential to approach acknowledgements with sincerity, accuracy, and adherence to any institutional guidelines. Remember that acknowledging the contributions of others not only demonstrates gratitude but also highlights the collaborative nature of academic work. So, take the time to craft thoughtful acknowledgements that truly reflect the journey of your research and the invaluable support received along the way.

FAQs About What to Write in Acknowledgement of Dissertation



  1. Is what to write in acknowledgement of dissertation necessary?

Acknowledgements are not mandatory in a dissertation, but they are highly recommended. Including an acknowledgement section allows the writer to express gratitude and recognize the support received during the research process. It is a way to acknowledge the contributions of individuals and organizations who have played a role in the successful completion of the dissertation.

  1. Who should be acknowledged in the acknowledgement section?

The acknowledgement section provides an opportunity to acknowledge various individuals and organizations who have contributed to the research. This may include mentors, advisors, supervisors, peers, family, friends, funding agencies, academic institutions, and research centers. It is essential to consider both academic/professional supporters and personal/emotional supporters while crafting acknowledgements.

  1. How long should the acknowledgement section be?

The length of the acknowledgement section varies and there is no strict rule regarding its length. However, it is generally recommended to keep it concise and focused. The acknowledgement section should be long enough to include all deserving individuals and organizations, while also ensuring that it does not overly extend the dissertation. It is advised to check any specific guidelines provided by the institution or department regarding the recommended length for acknowledgements.

  1. Should I follow any specific etiquette while writing acknowledgements?

Yes, there are certain etiquette considerations to keep in mind while writing acknowledgements. These include ensuring accuracy and correct attribution for the contributions being acknowledged, respecting privacy and confidentiality of individuals mentioned, and following any institutional or departmental guidelines regarding acknowledgements. It is important to approach acknowledgements with sincerity, professionalism, and gratitude while maintaining a respectful tone throughout.

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