What you learned about innovation and sustainability from your manager


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Discuss what you learned about innovation and sustainability from your manager.

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Locate your organization’s strategic plan, strategic objectives, or business objectives. Look for innovation or sustainability. Ask your manager/leader about the inclusion of innovation or sustainability, or (if innovation or sustainability is not found), whether either element has been discussed at leadership planning meetings. Consider the following questions:Discuss what you learned about innovation and sustainability from your manager.
What did you learn about your organization that you did not previously know?
What would you do to improve the strategic plan, strategic objectives, or business objectives based on what you learned this week?
Discussion Board Requirements:Initial posting is due Friday. Responses are due Monday.
Post the strategic plan, strategic objectives, or business objectives you found. Note: If the document is private, just share enough information to contribute to this discussion.
Answer the three questions above.
Support your discussion with at least two of the readings this week, including information from your own research.
Minimum of 500 words.
Respond to at least two postings. Your responses should draw out additional information or ideas, encourage or coach, or add content to the discussion. Ideally, you should also return to your own posting and respond to those who have responded to you. In order to ensure that all members of the class are engaged, please choose to respond to those who have no responses first.

Week 5 Discussion – Strategic Plan, Objectives

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