Strategies IT Security Managers use to Host Sensitive Information in the Commercial Cloud


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Strategies IT Security Managers use to Host Sensitive Information in the Commercial Cloud

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This qualitative study aimed to investigate strategies IT security managers use to host sensitive information in the commercial cloud. Therefore, this section focuses on the application to professional and implication for change;  overview of the study; presentation of findings; application of professional practice, the implication for social change; recommendation for action; recommendations for further study; reflections; and summary and study conclusion.

Overview of Study

The study set out to demonstrate how security management in cloud computing remains a menace. Through this study, the scholar affirms just how necessary it is to ensure information is secured from all fronts to ensure organizational data does not find its way into the hands of rogue elements. The security nightmare evident in the cloud can be exploited through Wi-Fi hotspots and password cracks.  Nonetheless, service providers seem to offer poor encryption, an issue that subjects corporate to great risk. The study also highlights how information breaches, exploited vulnerabilities, account hacking, and denial of service authentication have enhanced the security narrative in cloud computing.  However, the study established that through formal and informal strategies, organizations could manage data breaches and recognize prospective sources of attacks and security holes. Moreover, the study determined that information exfiltration by insiders in most organizations enhances access to external cloud providers.  Insiders’ access to these platforms leads to vulnerabilities that external hackers exploit. Whether the attack is internal or external, it is the basis on which most organizations spend hefty budgets to manage security. It also takes the enactment of concrete policies to be able to safeguard sensitive data. On the contrary, the missing policy framework in the cloud environment can make suppliers institute low measures for safeguarding information.

Strategies IT Security Managers use to Host Sensitive Information in the Commercial Cloud

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