Nurse Exposure to Physical and Nonphysical Violence


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Nurse Exposure to Physical and Nonphysical Violence.

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Globally, occupational violence, bullying, and sexual harassment are widespread in the healthcare organization. Nonetheless,  there is inadequate studies on this issue. The study titled “Nurse Exposure to physical and nonphysical violence, bullying, and sexual harassment: A quantitative review” provided a quantitative assessment that estimates the rate of exposure of the nurses depending on the source, setting, type of…..


Globally, occupational violence, bullying, and sexual harassment are widespread in the healthcare organization. Nonetheless,  there is inadequate studies on this issue. The study titled “Nurse Exposure to physical and nonphysical violence, bullying, and sexual harassment: A quantitative review” provided a quantitative assessment that estimates the rate of exposure of the nurses depending on the source, setting, type of…..

Globally, occupational violence, bullying, and sexual harassment are widespread in the healthcare organization. Nonetheless,  there is inadequate studies on this issue. The study titled “Nurse Exposure to physical and nonphysical violence, bullying, and sexual harassment: A quantitative review” provided a quantitative assessment that estimates the rate of exposure of the nurses depending on the source, setting, type of…..

Nurse Exposure to Physical and Nonphysical Violence.

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