NR 661Professional Portfolio
NR 661 Professional Portfolio
The purpose of the Professional Portfolio is to demonstrate your professional growth and expertise by providing evidence of the knowledge you have learned. The Professional Portfolio serves the following purposes:
Promotes the synthesis of knowledge β To become a competent leader in the nursing profession and a selected specialization, you need to synthesize a great deal of information from a variety of sources.
Promotes reflective thought β One hallmark of graduate education is the ability to think analytically and engage in self-assessment. Creating the portfolio allows you to evaluate and demonstrate your achievements in acquiring advanced nursing and specialty knowledge.
Provides evidence that assignment, course, and program learning outcomes have been met βThe portfolio reflects the different ways you have met the learning ou
NR 661Professional Portfolio
Course Outcomes
Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to:
1. Evaluate achievement of professional competencies.
2. Project a professional image, through organization and presentation of material.
3. Demonstrate preparedness for role as an entry level Family Nurse Practitioner.
Due Date: Sunday 11:59 p.m. (MT) at the end of Week 7
Total Points Possible: 100
Portfolio Evaluation Methods
Portfolio Element Possible Points
Self-Assessment of Professional Competencies (Week 8 Reflection) 10
APN Professional Development Plan Paper from NR510 Course 10
Curriculum Vitae 10
5 Case Study Presentation Examples 20
eLogs Documentation of the Patients, Demographics and Dx from the Program. 50
Total Points for Portfolio 100