Hero Builder’s Case Study Assignment


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BUS 600 WEEK 1 Hero Builder’s Case Study Assignment

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Each week during weeks 1, 3, and 5 you will read a different case study and analyze the case scenario/research through a series of questions. The overall structure of each case is similar in that each case begins with an abstract followed by a description of the scenario/research and concludes with a discussion about the situation. The discussion is simply a series of unique questions about the case scenario that you will answer as your assignment.
No abstract is required for the Case Study Assignments nor are an introduction or conclusion; simply type the questions as an APA style heading and respond. Ensure the following are met:

Must be supported with at least 4 scholarly (peer reviewed) research articles in your response.
Must be at least 900 words (the word count does not include the question text, cover page, or reference page)
Use proper grammar, current APA format and submit in MS Word format

The cases can be found in McGraw Hill Connect or through this web address (http://highered.mheducation.com/sites/1259918939/student_view0/cases.html)
The questions for each Case Study Assignment can be found as follows:

Module/Week 1 – Hero Builder’s Case Study Assignment (see case page 2)


BUS 600 WEEK 1 Hero Builder’s Case Study Assignment

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