E-commerce and price formation on the Russian online market.


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E-commerce and price formation on the Russian online market.
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I need you to write about online and offline price setting in particular
in a grocery e-tail. Whether it is cheaper to buy online or of line
based on scholarly articles.
Theory of how a price is usually defined (how it is calculated).
Furthermore, talk about hedonic pricing theory. When, where and why it
is used.

E-commerce and price formation on the Russian online market.

The same is with price rigidity. additionally is the Price rigidity
pricing strategies should also be discussed, such as EDLP and Hi-Low
price, since it relates the results I have in my part of the thesis.
Inn my papere I want to identify different wine produt characteristics
(type, stength, sort of grape, gift package, … ) as well as specific
time period (holiday season) influence on its price formation on Russion
online retail.

E-commerce and price formation on the Russian online market.

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