Beyond Environmental Sustainability: Diversity and Inclusion


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Beyond Environmental Sustainability: Diversity and Inclusion

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Value: 30%, Due: Modules 6-7 (open group discussion board-braining storming).

Module 9 the written portion of this assignment is due (each student will submit their own work).

Both the written paper and the discussion will be part of this grade.

For three weeks, the class will apply their to-date learning in a real world situational case study called the Social Inclusion Project. This section of the Corporate Social Responsibility course expands on Module 5: Beyond Environmental Sustainability, and explores CSR topics related to diversity and inclusion.

Hamilton Health Sciences has approached Mohawk College Community and Social Services Management students to examine an issue related to social inclusion at their facilities. Students will be introduced to the concept of Design Thinking in order to begin to identify the problem introduced in the case study. Students will then work through the case study via group discussion on the discussion boards, shared research or experience on current best practices. There will be an additional live brainstorming and Design Thinking session which will help students gather more information and problem identification for the case, as well as lead to further discussion on the boards.

Students will lean on their empathy training learned in Social Entrepreneurship as they are guided through Design Thinking processes to help identify a customer experience for Hamilton Health Sciences.

Beyond Environmental Sustainability: Diversity and Inclusion

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Case Scenario

Below you will find a case scenario, however if you wanted to create your own situation/problem-please do so. The below example can be used for this project or as a guide (if you want to pick your own case scenario). If you want to run a case scenario by me, please email me and I will respond with feedback.

During the COVID pandemic, multiple medical and psychiatric services started to provide some services via virtual care in order to reduce COVID transmission. The psychiatric senior’s outpatient program has been trying different ways to do virtual care with seniors who live in their homes. However, the team found that there a multiple challenge’s with providing virtual care to this particular population.

Virtual care was set up in 48 hours (due to outpatient shutdowns), thus the outpatient team was unable to interview patients, families and etc. about virtual needs/preferences. The outpatient team was trying to use zoom with the patients, but it was not always successful. Since virtual care is something that we will be using for sometime, please use a design thinking model to plan for virtual care moving forward with this population.

Some brainstorming questions:

What do you think some of the challenges were? And possible solutions
In order to do virtual care, what are some options for this team to use or ideas to improve the experience?
What can you do to better understand the problem(s)? And to fix the problem(s)?
How would you measure success of your ideas? How do you know its working?
How can you use these ideas in future care (after COVID) and do you think they would benefit this population?
Do you think virtual care will hinder senior psychiatric care?
Who are the stakeholders involved and how would you get to their voice about the problem and potential solutions?
How does this care scenario fit into social inclusion and corporate responsibility?

Beyond Environmental Sustainability: Diversity and Inclusion

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