Professional Roles and Organizations


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Professional Roles and Organizations

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Professional Roles and Organizations
There are many roles a professional nurse may assume. As a member of the profession, the nurse may choose to become active in one or more professional organizations.
Think about various roles that a professional nurse may assume. Select three professional roles that are available to nurses and discuss how each role may impact the patient, family, or healthcare in general. Review the resources available and identify two professional organizations and discuss how belonging would benefit the profession and you as a professional.
Professional nursing organizations such as the American Association of Nursing (ANA) or Michigan Nursing Association (MNA) has a list of professional Nursing organizations to choose from too
Additional Instructions:
All submissions should have a title page and reference page.
Utilize a minimum of two scholarly resources.
Adhere to grammar, spelling and punctuation criteria.
Adhere to APA compliance guidelines.
Adhere to the chosen Submission Option for Delivery of Competency guidelines.

Grading Rubric
Discussion of three professional roles impact on healthcare: Fully discusses three professional roles and their impact on healthcare
Professional organizations: Identifies two professional organizations
Discussion of two professional organizations benefit to profession and self: Fully discusses two professional organizations benefit to profession and self
APA, Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation: No errors in APA, Spelling, and Punctuation.
References: Provides two or more references.

Professional Roles and Organizations

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