NUR699 Week 2 Discussion


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NUR699 Week 2 Discussion

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Review the “General Appraisal Overview for All Studies,” available in Appendix B in the textbook. You should save this tool and use it throughout the development of the PICOT question, problem description, and literature review.

Begin the development of your PICOT question, using the following resources:

“Appendix A: Template for Asking Clinical Questions,” available in the textbook appendix

Text readings

Formulate your PICOT question and post it to the main forum. Respond to at least four other statements, providing feedback. Review the statements to see if the clinical issue is clearly defined and that all aspects are identified. Also refer to the “PICOT: Components of an Answerable, Searchable Question” table, located in chapter 2 of the text. If one PICOT statement has at least three feedback posts, move to another statement.

You will be using the feedback to make revisions to your PICOT question before using it in your “Section B: Problem Description” assignment.

NUR699 Week 2 Discussion

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