MKTG 522 Week 1 Course Project Marketing Plan Topic


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MKTG 522 Week 1 Course Project Marketing Plan Topic

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MKTG 522 Week 1 Course Project Marketing Plan Topic

Course Project

This week, you will begin working on your Marketing Plan that is due in Week 7. Click on the Marketing Plan tab in Course Home for the full details.

Submit your Marketing Plan topic using the Marketing Plan Topic Form found in Doc Sharing.

Please download and review the Marketing Plan Guide in Doc Sharing prior to beginning your marketing plan. Also, see the Sonic Marketing Plan Example and Exercises in the Appendix of your Kotler textbook. The questions asked in the exercises may help you further develop your marketing plan

MKTG 522 Week 1 Course Project Marketing Plan Topic

Order 100% plagiarism free essay on MKTG 522 Week 1 Course Project Marketing Plan Topic

This week, you will begin working on your Marketing Plan that is due in Week 7. Click on the Marketing Plan tab in Course Home for the full details.

Submit your Marketing Plan topic using the Marketing Plan Topic Form found in Doc Sharing.

Please download and review the Marketing Plan Guide in Doc Sharing prior to beginning your marketing plan. Also, see the Sonic Marketing Plan Example and Exercises in the Appendix of your Kotler textbook. The questions asked in the exercises may help you further develop your marketing plan

This week, you will begin working on your Marketing Plan that is due in Week 7. Click on the Marketing Plan tab in Course Home for the full details.

Submit your Marketing Plan topic using the Marketing Plan Topic Form found in Doc Sharing.

Please download and review the Marketing Plan Guide in Doc Sharing prior to beginning your marketing plan. Also, see the Sonic Marketing Plan Example and Exercises in the Appendix of your Kotler textbook. The questions asked in the exercises may help you further develop your marketing plan

MKTG 522 Week 1 Course Project Marketing Plan Topic

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