NRS-427V Module 1 DQ 2


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NRS-427V Module 1 DQ 2.

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NRS-427V Module 1 DQ 2. Concepts in Community and Public Health – Community/Public Health Nursing.Consider the different communities to which you belong:

1.What is the geopolitical community in you live? Why is it geopolitical?

2.What is a phenomenological community to which you belong? Why is it a phenomenological community?

3.What would some challenges and benefits be for community health nurses in providing care for different

communities? For similar communities? For the same community? What are some possible solutions to the challenges?

1.What is the geopolitical community in you live? Why is it geopolitical?

NRS-427V Module 1 DQ 2.

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2.What is a phenomenological community to which you belong? Why is it a phenomenological community?

3.What would some challenges and benefits be for community health nurses in providing care for different

communities? For similar communities? For the same community? What are some possible solutions to the challenges?

1.What is the geopolitical community in you live? Why is it geopolitical?

2.What is a phenomenological community to which you belong? Why is it a phenomenological community?

3.What would some challenges and benefits be for community health nurses in providing care for different

communities? For similar communities? For the same community? What are some possible solutions to the challenges?

NRS-427V Module 1 DQ 2.

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